Meher Baba copyright 1987 Charlie Mills


Lord Meher

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"So, this period of seclusion is very difficult for me, but it will end in glory."

After Baba's work with Nilkanthwala was completed — "100 percent to my satisfaction," he said — the mast was sent back to Rishikesh by train with Baidul on 3 August. Baba instructed Baidul to return straight to Meherazad after escorting the mast to an ashram in Rishikesh, and he was ordered not to say anything about Baba's present seclusion to any of the outside mandali. If he met any of Baba's lovers or devotees on the way, he was not even to speak with them.

The mast Nilkanthwala got himself ready to leave on the 2nd, by tying a piece of cloth around his forehead, another piece around his waist and putting on his sandals. But when he was requested to postpone his return journey until the next day, he agreed. When Baba came to see him, the mast clasped Baba's hands and afterwards lovingly put both his hands on Baba's head. Before saying goodbye, Nilkanthwala asked for ten rupees for a new bed, which Baba later said was significant.

While walking together with Baba, Nilkanthwala kept repeating in Hindi: "In the next birth, please call me again; I will definitely come when you call." He continued in a beseeching tone, "Please release me from this body." After walking away a few paces, he came back and lovingly caressed Baba's face in his hands.

Before leaving Meherazad, the mast suddenly looked back and gazed at Baba for a while. Then Nilkanthwala turned, bent his head, and walked to the taxi and entered it. Standing in front of mandali hall, Baba watched him depart.

As mentioned, Kaikobad was staying at Meherabad at this time, but after Nilkanthwala left, Baba called Kaikobad back to Meherazad on 4 August 1958, brought by Padri. From 7 August until 14 November, Baba worked alone with Kaikobad for about half an hour daily in mandali hall.

On 4 August, Baba instructed all the mandali, "Help me. Maya will try her best to oppose me. Don't let it! Just obey me and help me." On the 5th, Baba called the mandali to the verandah of the main house where they listened to qawaali records played by Mani on the gramophone.

During the month of August, many more snakes than usual were seen crawling in the open at Meherazad. On the 17th, one was killed opposite Baba's bedroom by Meheru; the next day, a snake was found hidden under the cushion of Baba's lift-chair. Baba was about to take his seat in it when Goher removed the cushion to dust it, and the snake fell down. Rano killed it. Baba told the women, "For the last three and a half months, maya has been trying to interfere in my work. It will keep trying, but it will lose. We will have a lot of trouble, but not one hair will bend [meaning it will not affect them in the least]. Do not worry. Help me in a way that will please me. Ask for God's blessings to help me and you all. Amen!"

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