To those who wrote Adi to convey their sympathies, he responded:
It has been a very happy bereavement. The more I think of the departure of Mother Gulmai, the greater joy I feel in the thought that she aspired for and got an eternal place in the Infinite heart of Beloved Baba.
 with Gulmai, Khushru Quarters, 9 August 1962
Jalbhai came from Poona on 21 August 1962 to discuss transport arrangements for the East-West Gathering. Noshir Irani saw Baba at Meherazad on the 23rd.
On Sunday, 26 August, Baba held a special meeting at Meherazad with a few of the Ahmednagar and Poona workers (who were brought by Joseph Harb in his car). The meeting lasted for three hours, and important points regarding arrangements for the East-West Gathering were finalized. An estimate of costs for the arrangements was worked out and submitted to Baba for his approval. It was estimated that at least Rs.7,000 would have to be spent for arrangements inside Guruprasad (the pandal and rented chairs, microphone and electrical fixtures, lavatories, water supply and daily labor charges). Baba selected nine close lovers to share the burden of these expenses: Joseph Harb to pay Rs.1,500; Nariman Dadachanji, Hoshang Bharucha and Kishinchand Gajwani to pay Rs.1,000 each; and Sorabji Siganporia, Meherjee, Bapusaheb Shinde, Minoo Desai and Minoo Bharucha, Rs.500 each.
On 31 August, Baba dictated two more discourses, the first on "The Lover and the Beloved"
God is love. And Love must love. And to love there must be a Beloved. But since God is Existence infinite and eternal there is no one for Him to love but Himself. And in order to love Himself, He must imagine Himself as the Beloved whom He as the lover imagines He loves.
Beloved and lover implies separation. And separation creates longing; and longing causes search. And the wider and the more intense the search, the greater the separation and the more terrible the longing.
When longing is at its intensest, separation is complete, and the purpose of separation, which was that love might experience itself as lover and Beloved, is fulfilled; and union follows. And when union is attained, the lover knows that he himself was all along the Beloved, whom he loved and desired union with; and that all the impossible situations that he overcame were obstacles which he himself had placed in the path to himself.
To attain union is so impossibly difficult because it is impossible to become what you already are! Union is nothing other than knowledge of oneself as the Only One.