Meher Baba copyright 1987 Charlie Mills


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He had been to the Himalayas, but found the atmosphere spiritually dry. After some years, however, he found himself longing to be under the guidance of a living guru. He heard that his old acquaintance, Meredith Starr, had recently gone to India and surrendered to a Master. He wrote letters to Starr and was informed of Meher Baba's ashrams at Meherabad and Toka.

The day after Sadhu Christian Leik arrived, Baba sent for him. When Leik was taking the Master's darshan, Baba rested his head on Leik's back. Baba did not embrace him then, but later that night he did. Baba personally showed him around the Prem Ashram where the boys were meditating.

The following morning, Baba ordered Leik to observe silence and then instructed, "Remain here with a completely free heart. Keep silence from tomorrow. Do not worry. Whatever you may need, ask Vishnu. Don't let your mind think of things that have bothered you. Have patience. I will make you steadfast in the Path. I am pleased with you because despite so many hardships and sufferings, you have stuck to the Path for years."

Leik replied, "As for patience, I have enough of it. I know I will be given the right thing — at the right time — when I deserve it."

Baba then instructed, "As long as I do not send for you, do not come to me. Even if I don't call you for days, don't come and don't worry. I am with you. I will speak with you internally."

"I know," said Leik, "Masters always speak internally."

Leik was a humble and unassuming person, which impressed the mandali. (For instance, he washed his own clothes, which was unusual for a European in India.) Baba too was pleased that he had come and indicated that he was a genuine seeker. 

Meanwhile, Kaka Baria arrived in Toka and was given the task of erecting a tatta fence. But Baba was testing him and Kaka was still not "fit" to stay permanently in the ashram. After only four days Baba sent him back to Bombay.

On Tuesday, 16 October 1928, while discoursing to the boys, Baba disclosed more about the inner path:

This Path is extremely difficult for the outside world, but it will be easy for you to tread because I myself will work through you. For example, suppose you have to go to the Manzil via the road, but the road is full of holes and rough, and in some places very narrow.

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